Source: via Andrea on Pinterest
This past week has been the longest week I have experienced in a LONG time. I'm not going to go into detail as to why (at least not right now) but know that after this week I am even more excited to pick up B tomorrow. He has been in SERE (survival) school the past two weeks and we have not talked or seen each other since I dropped him off. This past week would have been the roughest week for him, so I think God decided to give me a rough week to so B wouldn't be the only one!
Anyway, I am so glad it is finally Saturday. I was up at 5 am this morning! I did not sleep well this week and was so exhausted last night I tucked myself into bed at 7:30. I love getting up early because I can get so much done before lunch. I have already cleaned the house, made the weekly menu and grocery list, caught up on FB and emails, started laundry, and now I'm sitting at a local coffee shop catching up on reading blogs and posting one! I will have my errands run and be back home by lunch time. Enough rambling lets continue with the point of this post--links to articles/blogs I think you will enjoy.
BPA Rises By 1200% After Eating From Cans by Food Renegade. Great article! I do not buy many canned food items anymore since we are eating "real food" but I still buy diced tomatoes, tomato paste, and tomato sauce in cans. But this will be solved this summer after I process all my tomatoes from my garden. I hope to have a big enough crop to give us all kinds of things tomato related to last a year--spaghetti sauce, diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, and pizza sauce! This will also be a great savings on the grocery bill!
Healthy Skin Tips and Recipes for the Winter Months by Keeper of the Home. I know that spring is right around the corner, but there are still some great ideas and recipes to use year round. Using homemade beauty products also help save $!
Why I Don't Clip Coupons by Divine Health from the Inside Out. I have never been one of those people that clip coupons. Mainly because I have never had the time or patience to deal with it. Since we switched to a whole foods diet several years ago I definitely didn't need to clip coupons because there just are not coupons for real/whole foods. Instead, I plan my menu according to the season and what items I can get at local farmers markets, health food stores, and the grocery store. I am able to stay within our budget if I plan and shop smart.
How Bikes Can Save Us by Fearless Revolution. I love this! Makes me wish I lived in a progressive city that encouraged commuting via bikes. Where we live the only time I hear about people commuting to work is when they have received a DUI and they are not allowed to drive on post!
Hope you enjoyed this weekends links! Have a marvelous weekend.
Til' next time,

I hope this week is better for you and I hope you have a great time visiting Pensacola!