Happy Sunday lovely readers! Hope you have been enjoying your weekend. We are enjoying 80 degree weather and loving it. Definitely makes me glad I did not pack my summer clothes away this year.
Lemon Brilliance:: 3 great ways to use lemons.
31 Ways to Use a Mason Jar In Your Kitchen:: I love mason jars and I use them for many of her ideas. I drink my smoothie out of them every breakfast and lunch, drink water from them, store dried goods in the pantry, and more. I also keep good sized glass jars from food and reuse them in many ways. I might need to do a post on my use of mason jars one of these days.
Whiten Your Teeth Naturally With No Dangerous Chemicals:: I have been wanting to try this and have not yet. Have you tried whitening your teeth naturally? How do you whiten your teeth?
Datevitation:: This is a great little company with a great concept for a coupon book. Check it out for some great gifts. Who would you buy one for?
A Pediatrician Speaks out on Fluoridation:: This is a short video from a pediatrician on why she feels fluoridation is not a good thing.
Tyson Pushes Organic Farmer Off His Property:: Emphasizes to me why I refuse to buy Tyson foods.
Today is the last day for my giveaway over at Big Apple Mami. I'm giving away a Lemon Peppermint Cleaning Scrub. Make sure to head over here and register to win before it is to late!
Til' next time,

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