Monday, February 18, 2013

Menu Plan Monday-Gluten Free {2.18.13}

It's Monday, but to me it feels like a Sunday since B has a 3 day weekend.  I love having 3 day weekends because it gives us a chance to see each other 1 extra day.  With his school schedule we don't see much of each other, and when we do it usually involves studying. 

I meant to have a recipe with this week's Menu Plan Monday but I did not get around to it on our lazy weekend.  So I'll be sharing my recipe on Wednesday.  

Now that I have been released from the Dr. to resume normal activities we are starting P90X (started today) and getting back on our gluten-free eating plan.  We hope to move back to KS in great shape! So, here is what we are enjoying this week for dinner. 

Monday: Grilled Chicken & Veggies. Salad. Apples. 

Tuesday: Ham & Beans.  GF cornbread. Apples.  I have adapted my ham & beans recipe from McGuire's Irish Pub Senate Bean Soup recipe. (I'll be sharing recipe on Wednesday).

Wednesday:  Roast, Potatoes, & Carrots in crock-pot.  Salad. Apples. 

Thursday:  BBQ Beef (leftover roast). Salad. GF Corn Muffins (leftover). Apples

Friday:  Asian Chicken Salad (sans wonton wrappers). GF Muffins (not sure what recipe yet).

Saturday: Chicken & Rice Soup (crock pot). Leftover GF muffins. Apples

Sunday:  Leftovers

I am looking for healthy, gluten-free crock pot meals since B has morning flight line (gone before 5 am).  We are working out when he gets home, so I want an easy dinner so we eat before 7pm! If you have any healthy crock pot meals (no potatoes) I would love some ideas!   

What is on your menu for the week?  

I'm linking up with I'm an Organizing Junkie, Musings of a Housewife, Jill Conyers. Check out these blogs and link ups for more meal ideas.

Til' Next Time,


  1. Thanks so much for linking up! Enjoy being active again, and the extra time together!

    1. No problem. I am enjoying being active again, it is nice.

  2. I love P90X!! Is this your first time? Are you doing the 90-day challenge? Keep us updated on how it goes :)

    1. I have not gone through it before, hubby has once a few years ago. Although I have done a few boot camp programs that included almost all of these movements, so nothing new to me. I'm excited to see my 90 day progress!


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