Sunday, November 13, 2011

Weekend Wanderings 11.13.11

Hope you are enjoying the gorgeous weekend.  We ended up turning our heat on Friday afternoon, even though I was fighting it, because the low for that night was 30-something.  The great thing is it is a little chilly (cold for these southern people) in the morning and warms up to the 60's or 70's by early afternoon. I love that I have had my windows open for weeks.  Most of the time in Kansas there are not many weeks that allow for the windows to remain open all day and all night!

Enough about the weather! Here are some posts I have found over the past few weeks I thought were worth sharing.

Christian Yoga? It's a Stretch : Not sure how I feel about this article but I thought I would share it.  I participate in yoga classes. In the recent boot camp class I took we did yoga out by the lake early in the morning.  It was  a beautiful, cool morning.  It was great to see the beauty of God's earth while stretching. I'd love to know what you think of the article.

Modern Alternative Mama:  31 Real Food Baby Steps  This is a great post on things you can start doing to eat more real food.  Transforming your eating from processed to real food does require baby steps, it will not happen overnight. 

Healthy Home Economist: Video Introduction to Traditional Eating.  Sarah shares her video introduction for a series she worked on for the Dr. Weston A. Price Foundation. 

The Dr. Weston A. Price Foundation is a great resource for eating a more traditional/real food diet. 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 

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