Friday, July 06, 2012

happy birthday mom

Surprise and Happy Birthday Mom!  Since I can not celebrate with you today I thought I would honor you on my blog instead.  

You have been an amazing mom for the past 33 years and I truly appreciate all the love and support you have given me through the years.  No matter what I have done you have been there cheering me on, even though sometimes you wanted to roll your eyes at me (admit it, I know you have wanted to at least a couple times).  Remember my big bangs in the 80's?!?!!   

Mom, thanks for teaching me how to cook real food.  I learned so much from you in the kitchen.  Remember when I whipped up those orange danishes when I was maybe 12 and you were amazed they turned out so well?  They only turned out well because I had a great example!  But dont feel too jealous I was a great pastry chef at an early age, remember the peanut butter cookie disaster?  You gave me a great foundation for eating healthy and having a passion for real food. 

Thanks for having a kind, patient, and gentle spirit no matter what situation you are in. Through the years I have witnessed you go through many tough situations and I am always in awe of how well you handle them, always with grace and gentleness.  Even when I was a rebellious teenager you were patient with me, amazing!  Remember the day, which turned into a late night, I went to KC with an old boyfriend and didn't call to let you know I was going to be SUPER late?  Wow, how did you stay so patient with me through those awful teenage years?!?!!!  I wish I had 10% of the kindness, grace, and patience you have in life.  

Thanks for supporting and encouraging me in everything I do.  In all my ventures you are always the first one to step up and help, no matter what.  You are my biggest supporter in EVERYTHING I do and I truly appreciate it!  

Thank you (and dad) for showing me an amazing work ethic.  No matter what job you are doing, paid or volunteer, you give it 100%.  You are a super hard worker and very rarely complain.  

Mom, thanks for teaching and showing me that "Kimble weirdness".  Every time B shakes his head and rolls his eyes at me because I'm doing something weird and crazy, I always remind him that "I cant help it, I learned it from my mom!"  I love that we can be weird and not worry about it!

Thank you for all the sacrifices you have made for me throughout the years.  I will always remember the Easter you drove up to Manhattan so you could spend the weekend with me after a bad breakup, stomach flu, and a scratched cornea (I think that was the same weekend I had the eye patch!).  I'm sure the last thing you wanted to do was hang out on Easter weekend with your sick daughter in a smelly college dorm, but I loved having the support!    

Thank you for teaching me to be independent and stand up for what I believe.  I would not be the woman or wife I am today if you had not encouraged my independent spirit.  Remember the girl in kindergaten that would stand in front of my cubby and not move?  I firmly believe the advice you gave me in kindergarten, and the multiple other times growing up, helped me learn how to stand up for myself.  I will always remember telling those girls on the playground in 3rd grade, "Didn't your mom teach you any better?"  

I wish I could hang out with you today and celebrate your special day.  I love you and think about you often.  When I have news to share, you are the first one I want to call! I look forward to many more years of fun, crazy times with you and dad! 

And to all my wonderful blog readers, wish my mom a Happy Birthday in the comments.  Everyone loves getting birthday wishes! 

Til' next time, 

1 comment:

  1. Andrea - you blessed my heart today with this post! I must give all the glory to God for any ability that I have as a parent/wife/ actually made it easy to be a blessed I was 33 years ago to receive a perfect gift of YOU into my life! Thanks for these special memories - and there are so many more! Love you so much! MOM


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