Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Remembering 11 Years Ago

Can you believe it has been 11 years since 9/11?  I shared my story of that day a couple years ago so I wont share it again. Check it out if you are interested, or not!  What were you doing on that horrible day?

I was sitting at Starbucks this morning.  Well not really a true Starbucks, just a Starbucks counter here on post.  Oh how I wish we had a real Starbucks around here.  Oh sorry, I always get distracted by coffee.  There was a mom with a couple of little kids sitting at a table next to me and I overheard a conversation.  The news was on and it had images of the towers burning.

Kid:  Why is that building burning?
Mom: A plane flew into the building. 
Kid: Mom, did that really happen? 

Isn't that so true?!  It doesn't seem real and how we all wish it was not! I was telling B last night it did not even seem possible that the planes flew into the buildings 11 years ago.

Many people often forget the sacrifices that have been made and are still being made.  We still deal with 9/11 in our family on a daily basis.  I always have thoughts running around in the back of my mind--when is the next deployment, how many months will it be this time, will B make it back home,  will he get to be around for the birth of our babies, how many other family occasions will he miss, and many more thoughts that are always quiet thoughts running around in the back of my mind.  Here is a great article about a military family and 9/11 that talks about living 9/11 everyday.

Please do not forget about all the sacrifices that have been made the past 11 years and the sacrifices that are continuing to be made everyday.  If you know a military family with a deployed soldier remember to help the family out--pick up the phone and see how they are doing, take them a meal, treat them to a meal out without the kids, take the spouse shopping or just take the kids and let the spouse have some quiet time, and anything else you can think of to show your support for the family.  A small gesture goes a long way!

I would love to hear your story of 9/11, feel free to share them in the comments.

Til' next time,

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