Sunday, December 16, 2012

Weekend Wanderings 12.16.12

I have so many wonderful links to share with you since it has been a couple months since I have had a Weekend Wanderings post, but I will keep it to a few since we are all so busy this time of year.  Enjoy browsing through the following links!

Legacy Drawer::  Dave Ramsey is my hero!  Just kidding, but really his Financial Peace University changed our lives.  We have lived on a budget with no credit cards for over four years now and paid off a TON of debt.  I wish we would have taken his class when we first got married.  We still have a ways to go, but I highly recommend this class to anyone.   Anyway, this is a project Dave recommends for everyone, I just need to find time to begin the project.

1000 Memories::  I love Carly's Digitwirl videos.  I thought I would share this one since I have dug all my pictures out that I have not scrap-booked and plan to get them completed by the beginning of February--I'll let you know if I make my goal deadline!  This might not be for everyone, but some of you might love this idea as a way to store all your pictures.  I'm more old-school and like to have a book to flip through. HINT: if you are pressed for time, scroll down in the link and just watch the short video.

3 Steps to Pursuing Your Career:: I always say I will grow up sometime and figure out what I want to do.  Although I already know what I would like to do, I just need to take the steps to get there.

Healthy Food for the Troops::  Great article by a US Marine.  Every time B deploys he always tells me they have plenty of sugar and preservative filled foods. Healthy foods on the other hand are not as readily available.  If you send care packages to soldiers, there are some great ideas in the article.

Purchase with a Purpose::  My goal in buying presents is to go local (and not local as in Wal-Mart) and/or buy things that benefit others for the better.  There are some great items I would love on my wish list!

She & Him::  Looking for new Christmas music?  This is on my list to purchase, thanks to my brother's recommendation!

Is Pinterest Killing Blogs:: Interesting article for bloggers and Pinterest addicts!

Check back tomorrow for a yummy recipe you could take to Christmas or New Years Eve parties!

Til' Next Time,

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I'm so glad you stopped by to leave a comment. Getting comments is like getting hugs from my readers, I love it!